Kansas City: We have Pasture-Raised Eggs in stock for local delivery! 🥚 Order now

Author: Remington Kesten

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How We Raise Our Grass-fed Grass-finished Beef

Have you ever wondered what exactly goes into grass-fed/grass-finished beef? And what those two terms even mean? Well, today, I'd like to answer your questions! While our farming methods are ever-changing, and some things mentioned here may differ a year from now, we remain consistent in that our beef and lamb are always Grass-fed and Grass-finished. So, let's start there!...

How to earn store credit using your Referral Link

Use your unique referral link to earn $20 when you refer a friend, and they will too! Simply share it on Facebook, Twitter, or via text in less than 60 seconds. If you know friends or family who appreciate quality food, here is a chance for you to get them connected and both save money!

We no longer have milk :(

Hey fam,As a small farm and business, we constantly evaluate to make surethat we are offering the highest quality product, and doing so ina model that is both affordable to you and economicallysustainable.We began producing raw milk three years ago with a vision toslowly scale the enterprise to help fill a huge gap in the KCarea. Fast forward to last year, and with the overwhelmingsupport of this community we have expanded our micro-dairy as faras we can on our home property.Without pasture available to rent nearby, we have tried our bestto capitalize on what we do have. However, without compromisingon the quality of our product and animal care, it has been astruggle to offset the high cost of a dairy given the limitedamount of milk we are able to produce.Because we refuse to sacrifice this core value, we have decidedto stop milking, and will instead continue our focus on makingquality meats accessible in a time where it is needed more thanever.We had planned to announce this weekend that we would continue tohave milk until November 1st. But, after our only cow in-milk wassuddenly injured this week and required medicinal treatment, wewill no longer have milk available beginning today, August 26th.At this time we encourage you to seek out another trustworthysource of raw milk, and we will help out in whatever way we can. You are still welcome to return your milk jars and receive a $4 store credit. Our families have enjoyed the convenience of offering milk asmuch as I know you have enjoyed drinking it, and we are very sad to see it go!Thank you for your love and support of this venture, and understanding ofour situation.

What Is Raw Milk (and what is A2?)

What is all this hype about Raw Milk? And what exactly makes it so special? In short term, raw milk is milk in it's natural, unadulterated state- in this case from the cow. It has not been homogenized or pasteurized. Naturally, the cream, or fat, in milk separates and rises above the "skim", or protein. Homogenization is a mechanical mixing process that reduces the size of fat globules, so that they do not separate from the protein and thus give the milk a more uniform look. It has not been proven that this poses any adverse health effects, but now you can't skim the cream off the top like I do for my coffee ;)