Kansas City: We have Pasture-Raised Eggs in stock for local delivery! 🥚 Order now

Meet Our Partners

David's Pasture teams up with local families who share our standard of excellence to make nutrient-dense foods available to you.

We have personal relationships with these families and know that they abide by our animal care and husbandry guidelines.

⚪ Beef and Lamb are 100% Grass-fed and Grass-finished.

⚪ Poultry and Swine are rotated on pasture and fed only gmo-free feedstock.

⚪ Antibiotics and growth hormones were never administered to butchered animals.

Tim & Heidi Aulgur

Marshall, Missouri

The Aulgur family raises grass-fed/grass-finished beef and lamb on 350 acres, focusing on soil and plant health. I guess you could say they married into DP because this also happens to be Kaitlyn Kesten's parents! They utilize ruminant livestock and rotational grazing practices to build soil health and plant diversity on their land. They raise their own lambs and calves and select genetics that excels on a 100% forage-based diet and in Missouri's wacky climate.

Fun Fact: their lamb and cattle graze together in what's known as a "flerd"

(flock + herd.....get it?)

Greg & Carrie Guier

Sweet Springs, Missouri

The Guier family runs 180 Farms with their four children. Greg is a 7th generation farmer, still using land that his triple great-grandfather did in the 1800s! Ten years ago, they switched from conventional methods to a more sustainable approach and now use organic practices to produce more nutrient-rich foods. They grow ancient wheat varieties on certified organic land and offer their wheat berries through local markets. They also produce grass-fed/grass-finished beef and eggs from pasture-raised hens. Their hens are fed a certified GMO-free mix of grains and rotated regularly behind their cattle to "clean up" the pasture, and the hens find insects and larvae as a reward!

Fun Fact: Greg built a covered wagon, and each year they take it up to Waverly, MO - drawn by two horses - to haul apples for apple butter day!