KANSAS CITY: Our Pasture-Raised Eggs are back in stock for local delivery 👏👏👏

From the Foreman's Desk - An Overdue Update

written by

Kait Kesten

posted on

February 16, 2023

My last update was in October. In that blog post, I talked about all that happened in September. Little did I know that while I was writing that post, a baby was developing in my womb 💗

To say I've been a little preoccupied is an understatement! Remi and I are so excited to welcome this little babe in June.

Our little one has already been on several farm adventures. Helping load up the big broilers, loading up baby chicks, chasing pigs out of the road, and a couple of trips to the processor!

The last couple of months have been really different, and I've learned a lot. I've had to let people help me, embrace slowing down and letting my body rest when needed, and try to navigate dishes and sour milk without gagging. Sorry if that's TMI. Just being real here.

It's beautiful to watch the earth change with each season that it's in. I feel like I've gotten the same blessing while watching and feeling my body change, along with the life inside me. Yea, having someone use your bladder as a springboard is an interesting feeling.

Remi has been such a huge support and has taken on a lot of extra roles 💕

He's been by my side the whole time. He also did a lot of dishes, so they didn't make me sick. That's true love right there.

It feels like we're getting to go on a new adventure. Pregnancy and birth are so exciting to me. What an honor to be given the opportunity to bring life into this world!

We have our birth team set up and are excited for our baby to come earthside in our home.

Enough about me.

Farm life hasn't stopped. Thankfully through the colder months, we have fewer animals to take care of. Just the dogs and the pigs. But freezer maintenance, inventory, order fulfillment, etc., all keep happening.

Our holidays were fantastic! The farm sold out of turkeys and was able to provide other quality meats to family tables. We got to celebrate with family, which is always a wonderful time.

We rang our New Year in by welcoming a new puppy! Reeves' dog Nala went into labor on New Year's Eve. We knew something was up when she kicked Jack off his bed 😂

That was a new experience, and it has been fun having a little munchkin running around.

Next week, Remi and I are going to Florida! We couldn't get away for a holiday, so we decided to take a winter trip/babymoon instead. It will be really nice to see everybody! Not to mention soaking up all the sunshine.

Reeves is no longer working on the farm. His season was from spring to fall. We really enjoyed having him on the team, but he's moving on to his own adventure!

This year, our farm hand is going to be Cameron Cox. She will help with order fulfillment, and chicken chores come spring. She has already played a huge hand in helping Remi pack orders, especially when I wasn't feeling so great.

Well, it's getting late, and I should probably get myself to bed. Thanks for following along with our adventures! If you want more day-to-day content, be sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Kait and Baby Kesten

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