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From the Foreman's Desk - March Update

written by

Kait Kesten

posted on

April 6, 2023

This month wasn't too crazy. It was busy but nice to start getting back into the swing of things kind of busy. We're waking up from winter's slumber and into spring's energy! 

I tried my hand at donuts this month. I just used my usual bread recipe. I fried them in pork lard and covered them with homemade chocolate icing. They were pretty good! I might play with things a bit next time to see if I can get them softer and fluffier, but overall it was a nice treat. Does anyone else just wake up wanting donuts?


Remi and I celebrated 2 years of marriage this month πŸ’• What a journey it has been. Lots of learning, growth, laughter, tears, and undying love. Life is wonderful when you're married to your best friend. Here's to many more! 


We celebrated with filets 🀩


We had the opportunity to attend the Warrensburg Christian School's Gala. They were raising money for an expansion. We donated one of our always prepared bundles and some snack sticks to support their live auction. There was live music, raffle games, yummy food, and a great atmosphere. It made for a lovely night out. 


I've been working to get soap stocked up for you before the baby gets here. Spearmint soap is about to hit the website and Rosemary Lavender will be finished curing in a couple of weeks. I've got some more to do, but I'm getting there! Lotion bars finally got checked off the list this week. They are available here!


Jack and Nala have been going on more adventures as the weather warms up. In fact, just the other day we came home to find Jack with a giant dog bone/treat that he found. We have no idea where it came from. The next day it was gone. Jack has several hiding spots around the farm and nearby fields where he buries his treats for later. I imagine it ended up there, only to make another appearance sometime soon.

Chicks won't be coming until July, so the brooders are quiet. Remi can take this time to get them all repaired and ready to go. 

Our birth class went great! It's been exciting to learn about the birth and the body. It's starting to feel closer and closer. As I write this I am 31 weeks! I'm also in a made-up modified yoga position with lots of pillows. This baby really likes to take my breath away πŸ˜‚ We're trying to get everything ready and buttoned up before the baby gets here. The nursery isn't finished yet, but it's getting there! 


Next week Remi and I are taking a business trip to Indiana! Remi is attending a business workshop and hopes to come back with new ways to grow our local door-to-door delivery and add more value to our business so that we can continue providing pasture-raised meats to you for years to come. I plan to work on social media, finish up some reading, nap, and float around in the hotel pool! On our way home, we are going to stay in Casey Illinois, which happens to be home to the world's largest mailbox, rocking chair, pencil, golf tee, and more. I will have pictures to share next update! 

The weather is finally starting to look more like spring! The grass is so green and I love all the wildflowers coming up. Our yard is sprinkled with dandelions and henbit. 

I better get some sleep so I'm not a cranky pregnant lady tomorrow. Tomorrow night we celebrate Passover with our church! Such a wonderful time remembering God's gift of freedom and the love He has for us!

Bye for now πŸ’—

Kaitlyn Kesten

The Real Ranch Foreman  

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