Beef and Pork have just been restocked! 🥩🥓

Meet Our Resident Hitchhikers

No, we don't have nomads camping on a corner of the least not that I know of. Today I'm referring to a different kind of hitchhiker; two plant species in particular. What are all those little seeds stuck to my shirt? While many folks refer to them using curse words, we call them sticktights. They are covered in tiny hooks that grab onto clothing, hair, and fur. These Velcro-like seed pods come from a plant called Beggar's Lice, or Tick Trefoil.

Ensuring a Bright Future for Our Food System

It's easy to get discouraged while surveying today's US food and economic landscapes. A large concern lately has been family-owned farms going out of business, and their land being purchased by corporations. Times get tough, the little guys go out of business, and the big guys just get bigger. Not the situation we'd choose, especially when some of those corporations are owned by foreign entities. 😬 But there's hope!

19 Chicken Egg FAQs I’m Here to Answer

Eggs are quite an impressive food. They contain all the nutrients essential for developing new life, and thus have extensive benefits for us as well. Here are the answers to 19 Frequently Asked Questions about chicken eggs that we’ve received throughout the years. (If you have a question that I didn't answer here, send it to me so we can make it an even 20!) My hope is that this post will reinforce the status of eggs as a superfood, and leave you better educated as a consumer. In this post I am specifically referring to chicken eggs, but nearly all of the same principles apply to other eggs as well.

Eggshells: The Perfect Calcium Supplement (and free!)

It seems that in the world of food and supplements, the cleanest, most natural option tends to come at the highest price. But often, the best supplement is hiding right under our nose. If you're looking for a natural and sustainable way to boost your calcium intake, consider using eggshells! Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, with one medium-sized shell providing about 700-800 mg of this essential mineral. Ready to try it at home? Here's a simple guide on how to safely prepare eggshells for consumption.

Was Your Chicken Meant to Eat a Vegetarian Diet?

The truth is, most chickens in the US are not eating a vegetarian diet. And if they truly are vegetarian, then it's an indication of bigger problems. Let's look at what a Vegetarian-Fed chicken is, and the reasons why this is an unnecessary goal and somewhat bogus claim for poultry.

Why It's Time for Lard to Make a Comeback

Hey guys! Farmer Remi here today to talk about a rarely-discussed food that I believe deserves more appreciation; pork lard. Lard is a God-given superfood that has been a subject of controversy over the last century (and most of history for that matter). But this nutrient-dense and versatile fat has a long history as a pantry staple in cultures around the world.

The Benefits of Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) on a Pasture-Based Poultry Farm

Our livestock guardian dogs, also known as LGDs, consistently steal the show during farm events here at David's Pasture. In regenerative agriculture, where harmony between nature and farming practices is most important, livestock guardian dogs play an essential role, particularly when raising poultry. Not only do these hard-working canines protect our flocks, they also contribute significantly to wildlife conservation and the efficiency of our farm. Understanding the purpose and benefits of LGDs reveals why they are worth their weight in gold.